Day 29 Does A Cat Love A Box?

cat box What makes a cat love a box so? Is it their natural curiosity or is there something really compelling about getting into small places? Our cats cannot resist a box.

Day 28 Yellow-Billed Duck

yel bill duck The stunning colours of the blue wing and the yellow beak are too beautiful.

Day 27 A Little Calf Watching Us

calf watch Little calf watching us from between the fencing, love those big eyes.

Day 26 Cape Snowdrops

wld wht flwrs Such beautiful little wild flowers seen out in the vlei.

Day 25 Cape Heather

Cape Heather Pretty in pink when the Cape Heather is flowering.

Day 24 A Purple Heron In The Flowers

Flowr PP Heron A Purple Heron out scouting for food among the flowers.

Day 23 Cape Protea

sugarbush Just one of the beautiful proteas of the Western Cape

Day 22 Look What I Found At Pick n’ Pay? Willy’s Cacao

willy's Cacao Had only seen this on television when they were running the series on how Willy started with his business and the struggles they had and now here it is in sunny Cape Town.

Day 21 This Time Next Week We Will Be In Kruger

Kruger - Letaba This time next week we will be in Sukuza in the Kruger National Park and would be out and about on our first drive. We have never been so far South before but are hoping to see Wild Dogs and Cheetah, both of which we have never encountered in the wild before. It is more than that it is the open spaces, the unexpected sightings, the wonder at just being there in the wild, it is also the sounds and smells. I cannot wait the excitement is already mounting, checklists have been drawn up, camera gear to the ready and Kruger here we come.

Day 20 Today Is Penguin Awareness Day

African Penguin Today is Penguin awareness day and as such here is our African Penguin, Brilpikkewyn in Afrikaans. They make a loud donkey-like braying sound and are presently on the endangered list due to a variety of reasons, pollution, disturbances at their breeding grounds and competing with fisheries for their food. We saw them at Simonstown at the Boulders. They are strange yet endearing characters we must look after them.