Magnificent Magnolias Are In Full Bloom
All around our neighbourhood the Magnolias are flowering bright and proud in beautiful hues of pink and white.

Because of the Magnolias' sweet, creamy and light floral scent, the magnolia has been used in perfumery for centuries. It was named after French botanist Pierre Magnol.
Considered a classic floral fragrance, the scent of magnolia has notes of a sweet floral punch like a rose, but with a citrusy lemon edge and a slightly earthy, musk undertone.
Gorgeous March Lilies
These beautiful lilies are flowering in all their glory in gardens at the moment.
Pink Rose in the park
The perfect pink rose in the Woolongong Botanic Gardens, such a beautiful place to visit and so much to see
The Unusual Flannel Flower
The flannel flower (Actinotus helianthi) is so named because of the soft woolly feel of the plant. An unusual feature of the flowers is their ‘flannel’ texture. The petals are actually modified leaves, usually called bracts. The true flowers form the centre of the flower.
Although the flowers are daisy-like in appearance, flannel flowers are actually related to carrots, parsnips and celery
The Flannel Flower is the floral emblem for New South Wales
Sea Rose and the Carpenter Bee
The Sea Rose is such a beautiful flower, with its waxy and shiny petals it almost doesn't seem real. I was lucky to get this photo just as the Carpenter Bee was approaching.
Flame Tree
The Flame Tree also is also known as the Flame of the forest, is a beautiful tree with the fernlike green leaves and the masses of gorgeous scarlet flowers
The Passion Flower
As we near Easter the symbolism of the Passion Flower brings us reminders of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
The colours of the Passion Flower are generally blue and white which are said to represent the heavens and purity. The three stigmas are said to represent the three nails that were used on Christ's hands and feet to affix him to the cross. The five anthers are associated with the five wounds of Christ and the hundreds of filaments are said to represent the crown of thorns.
Marsh Pagoda
Love the colours of this Marsh Pagoda flowers, seen in the Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens
Colourful Zinnias
These gemlike, colourful Zinnias were an absolute magnet in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney.
Sacred Lotus Flower Bud
I loved the colour of this Lotus Flower bud that was peeping through the leaves.