Day 291 Dirty Bird

dirty bird This is the dirtiest Cattle Egret I have ever seen. Really hoping that it is mud and not from an oil spill!

Day 288 Cormorant With Nesting Material

Corm with feather While all the other White-breasted Cormorants were collecting sticks and branches for their nesting material, this one chose a feather. Perhaps he was just tired of carrying all the heavy stuff?

Day 287 Pied Kingfisher Fishing

Pied fish down the hatch This Pied Kingfisher had a lucky day fishing. A couple of slaps on the branch and then down the hatch.

Day 286 Overgrown Beak

Whydah beak This Pintailed Whydah has a most unusual overgrown beak. Hope it is able to feed and survive.

Day 283 White-Faced Duck

Wh f Duck White-faced Duck visiting Intaka

Day 280 Bokmakierie

BKmak The call of the Bokmkierie is quite distinct and unmistakeable

Day 278 Curlew Sandpiper In Breeding Colours

C Sandpiper breed 2 The Curlew Sandpiper in his lovely breeding colours

Day 276 European Bee-Eaters

Euro bee eat Beautiful colours of the European Bee-eaters

Day 275 Hingeback Tortoise

Hingeback tortoise The Hingeback tortoise has a hinge toward the rear of its body which can be closed so as to protect its rear legs from predators.

Day 274 Black-Necked Grebe

B N Grebe The red eye on this Black-necked Grebe makes it look a little mad