Day 74 Cape Honeysuckle

Cape honeysuckle The beautiful Cape Honeysuckle loved by sunbirds and insects for its nectar.

Day 53 Daisies To Brighten Your Day

orge daisies Wild orange daisies, as they start to open they look like little glowing suns, they brighten up your day. So pretty.

Day 44 Thinking of Robin Williams

KNP camelfoot flower_Fotor This reminds me of Robin Williams and his ever loving smile, makes me think on new things, seeing things through new eyes and just loving life.

Day 40 Wild Flowers That Look Like Zinnias

KNP orange zinnia These sticking orange wildflowers can be seen all along the road side growing in profusion. I don't know what they are but they resemble the common garden flower the Zinnia.

Day 26 Cape Snowdrops

wld wht flwrs Such beautiful little wild flowers seen out in the vlei.

Day 25 Cape Heather

Cape Heather Pretty in pink when the Cape Heather is flowering.

Day 18 Beautiful Blue Waterlilies

blue lilies Taking a walk in the Helderburg, we saw these beautiful blue waterlilies. They remind me of an Olympic torch. Quote: Perhaps I owe having become a painter to flowers. ~ Claude Monet

Day 12 What Beautiful Mandalas Made Of Flowers and Vegetables

Flower Mandalas Such beautiful Mandalas all made of flowers and vegetables, such ingenuity, but one that brings such pleasure to your day just looking at them. See more here

Day 7 Artichoke Flowers

Artichoke flowers Who knew artichokes had flowers? Who knew artichoke flowers were so beautiful? We found these at the market and had to take some home. They smell like pure honey.

Day 6 Art In Photography

Art in photo What a spectacular find! A photo turned into art by a photographer Willem Fritz it has such a mesmerising pattern and the colour is so stunning. An Agapanthus like you never imagined, so fresh and beautiful. Thank you Willem for allowing me to share your photo, it deserves to be seen :)