Day 256 Sugarbush Protea

Hapo protea The Sugarbush Protea with the sun shining through the petals.

Day 249 The Strandroos

Strandroos 3 The delicate pink and frilly Strandroos or dune rose, found along the West Coast of the Cape

Day 242 Red Bobble Flowers

Red bobbles Such a striking bush with these red bobble flowers.

Day 233 Yellow Pompom Flowers

Yel Pompom flowers Perfect little yellow Pompom flowers

Day 228 Pretty In Pink

pink fl The sun shining through this pretty pink blossom caught my eye.

Day 222 Good Old Barberton Daisy

Barbeton daisy I grew up with this flower in our garden and it is still as beautiful to me now as it was when I was a child.

Day 221 Deep Purple

Tibouchina The rich purple of this Tibouchina flower was almost glowing in the shadows.

Day 216 Happy Faces

daisies orange Daisies always make me smile, with their happy faces

Day 215 A Red Creeper

Red Creeper This creeper was filled with these red flowers

Day 212 Blue Felicia

Blue Felicia Pretty blue Felicia flowers