Day 292 So Bright

South Mask Weaver The colour of this Southern Masked Weaver was so bright on this overcast morning.

Day 291 Dirty Bird

dirty bird This is the dirtiest Cattle Egret I have ever seen. Really hoping that it is mud and not from an oil spill!

Day 288 Cormorant With Nesting Material

Corm with feather While all the other White-breasted Cormorants were collecting sticks and branches for their nesting material, this one chose a feather. Perhaps he was just tired of carrying all the heavy stuff?

Day 287 Pied Kingfisher Fishing

Pied fish down the hatch This Pied Kingfisher had a lucky day fishing. A couple of slaps on the branch and then down the hatch.

Day 286 Overgrown Beak

Whydah beak This Pintailed Whydah has a most unusual overgrown beak. Hope it is able to feed and survive.

Day 283 White-Faced Duck

Wh f Duck White-faced Duck visiting Intaka

Day 280 Bokmakierie

BKmak The call of the Bokmkierie is quite distinct and unmistakeable

Day 278 Curlew Sandpiper In Breeding Colours

C Sandpiper breed 2 The Curlew Sandpiper in his lovely breeding colours

Day 276 European Bee-Eaters

Euro bee eat Beautiful colours of the European Bee-eaters

Day 274 Black-Necked Grebe

B N Grebe The red eye on this Black-necked Grebe makes it look a little mad