Day 100 Beautiful colours

Sbird in colours What divine colour in this Double-collared Sunbird in transition, unfortunately never managed to get a full frontal photo, still a worthwhile shot just for that colour.

Day 97 Hungry Bird

Hungry bird Hungry bird, little Bishop chick begging for food.

Day 92 Cheerful Karoo Prinia

Kar Prinia 7 This cheerful Karoo Prinia was singing his title heart out. Such a cutie.

Day 83 Birds On The Wires

Bird fence Driving along the Old Malmesbury backroads you can see flocks of Cape Canaries and Bishops sitting along the fence wires. As you come near they all fly off in a cloud only to settle once again, just a little further down the road.

Day 81 Escapee Lovebird

lovebird We saw this little Peach-faced Lovebird out in the wild. He must be an escapee but he seemed to be accepted by all the other wild birds and in fact they seemed quite curious about him. Hope he survives.

Day 68 Egytian Goose Ducklings

Ducklings These little Egyptian Goose ducklings are just the cutest little things. By the way, an Egyptian Goose is a duck and not a Goose.

Day 66 What A Crazy Mad Face

Mad face We were driving along the Old Malmesbury back roads when we saw this crazy face peering at us through the fence. Apparently the cheese farm is breeding these Emus which are actually native to Australia. What a crazy mad face!

Day 55 Crested Grebes Courting

CG courtship 2 Crested Grebes displaying to each other in their courtship ritual, they fluff up their crests and bob their heads at each other, really funny to see. We saw this couple at the Rietvlei Nature Reserve

Day 52 Running On Water

l grebe run I loved seeing the water effect as this Little Grebe, literally, walked on water.

Day 48 To Put A Smile On Your Face

ostr chicks Little Ostrich chicks running after their parents, so cute you have to smile.