Day 41 What Would A Visit Be Without A Giraffe
What would a visit to the Kruger National Park be if you couldn't see a Giraffe, with those long legs and even longer neck and that beautifully marked orange coat? They are so wonderful to see out in the wild, grazing on the treetops and moving so gracefully through the scrub.
Day 37 Crocodile And His Disguise
Mr. Crocodile has many disguises and you may spend quite a while in a place and not ever notice him at all. At other times you may only see him when he moves. They remind me of prehistoric creatures, quite creepy and eerie.
Day 34 First Elephant Sighting Of Our Trip
The first of many sightings we had of elephant on this trip to Kruger. He was so enjoying those tasty leaves and it looked as though nothing in the world could bother him. Later in the trip we were almost rammed by an elephant that charged out at us from behind a bush whilst at the same time, trumpeting so loudly. What an adrenaline rush ... not something I would like to repeat in a hurry.
Day 27 A Little Calf Watching Us
Little calf watching us from between the fencing, love those big eyes.