Day 334 Queen of hearts

flam heart 2 This Flamingo was acting more like a swan than a flamingo, the reflection made a beautiful heart image.

Day 332 Blue Cranes Mating Dance

bl cr 2 crouch 2 So beautiful to watch the dancing and high jumps of these Blue Cranes at Rietvlei.

Day 328 Tern Carrying Fish Home

tern fish-2 This Tern kept bringing fish to its chick but this fish was far too big for the chick so the adult Tern ate it itself.

Day 327 Dusky Flycatcher Feeding The Chick

d flycat feed 2 Watched this Dusky Flycatcher feeding its chick, so very tender and moving.

Day 324 Female Sunbird

fem DC Sunbird The female Double-collared sunbird does not have the brilliant gemlike colours like the male but I think she is beautiful too.

Day 320 Darter In His Breeding Colours

Darter breed African Darter looking very dashing in his dark breeding outfit.

Day 316 Lesser Swamp Warbler

warbler ls This Lesser Swamp Warbler was dying to have his photo taken

Day 312 Greater Striped Swallow

srtripe swall The beautiful Greater Striped Swallow is one of our beautiful summer migrants.

Day 311 A New Visitor To Our Garden

Malachite sunbird 3 I planted this Wild Dagga plant just over a year ago and this is the first flowering. Look who came visiting, a Malachite Sunbird, what a reward :)

Day 309 Love Among The Reeds

Love in the reeds These Great Crested Grebes were swapping their vows in the reeds. Hope to see some little ones soon.