Day 77 Tigertail Dragonfly

KNP yell dragonfly This common Tigertail Dragonfly is one of the fastest and most powerful fliers. I was fascinated by his bright colours and the fact that he looks like a pilot with his flying helmet on..

Day 70 Colourful Chameleon

chamy The colourful Cape Dwarf Chameleon discovered at Rietvlei Nature Reserve. He had climbed to the top of a stick to sun himself.

Day 69 A Hippo Smile

KNP hippo smile This Hippo looked like he was just so comfortable and happy that he had to smile :)

Day 68 Egytian Goose Ducklings

Ducklings These little Egyptian Goose ducklings are just the cutest little things. By the way, an Egyptian Goose is a duck and not a Goose.

Day 66 What A Crazy Mad Face

Mad face We were driving along the Old Malmesbury back roads when we saw this crazy face peering at us through the fence. Apparently the cheese farm is breeding these Emus which are actually native to Australia. What a crazy mad face!

Day 62 A Little Bushbuck

KNP bushbuck Bushbuck, so shy and ever so pretty.

Day 60 The Monkey Tree

Monkey tree Loved seeing these monkeys climbing and jumping around in this tree.

Day 55 Crested Grebes Courting

CG courtship 2 Crested Grebes displaying to each other in their courtship ritual, they fluff up their crests and bob their heads at each other, really funny to see. We saw this couple at the Rietvlei Nature Reserve

Day 54 Namaqua Chameleon

Namaqua Chameleon This is quite a large chameleon found in the Namibia to Angola desert regions. It can run very fast and lives on beetles,insects,scorpions and will even eat smaller chameleons. They remind me of prehistoric creatures.

Day 52 Running On Water

l grebe run I loved seeing the water effect as this Little Grebe, literally, walked on water.