Day 252 Golden Dragonfly

gold dfly-2 Time for the Dragonflies to come out to play, this golden dragonfly caught my eye.

Day 245 City Cleanup

Cleaning mil lagoon Cape Town cleanup after fish die in the Milnerton lagoon.

Day 226 Variable Bushwillow

KNP Variable Bushwillow - Combretum cillinum 2.jpg I was fascinated the colour and shape of these seedpods on the Variable Bushwillow tree.

Day 209 White Barred Acrea Butterfly

KNP White-barred Acraea Such a beautiful butterfly

Day 207 Sooty Blue Butterfly

Sooty Blue bfly Such a small butterfly the Sooty Blue

Day 197 Birds Love These Red Berries

Red berries The birds were going crazy eating these luscious red berries.

Day 194 Coral Tree Standing Out

Coral tree This Coral Tree looks so striking in the gardens.

Day 133 Pretty Fluffy Grass

Fluffy grass We have so many amazing grasses in South Africa, I liked this one particularly because it was fluffy and so soft to touch, I also liked the way the light was shining through it.

Day 126 Specious Tiger Moth

Specious Tiger Moth Asota speciosa This beautifully marked and colourful moth came visiting us the other day. I had never seen one before so I checked my Field Guide to Insects and there I found it. It is called a Specious Tiger Moth and their larvae feed on Ficus tree leaves, that includes domestic figs. We have two fig trees in our garden so that is probably why they are here.

Day 119 Wheat Growing In The Lands

Wheat Wheat growing in the Malmesbury agricultural lands.